Now that our newest location, Another Door Opens in Lockwood, has opened its doors, the site now offers plenty of activities to our patrons. Here is a list of what’s currently going on!
--Every 4th Wednesday at 6:30PM, Pastor Trace Timm offers a worship service which incorporates music, scripture, and witness.
--Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, there is a community luncheon from Noon-2PM. Bring a dish to pass if you wish. Come meet your neighbors and make some new friends, all while enjoying some delicious food!
--Every Saturday night, come join Paul Estro and the Halsey Valley Victory House praise team as they present “Worship and The Word” from 6-8PM. On the first Saturday of the month, a meal will be offered before the service. The meal will begin at 5PM.
Don’t forget that you can reserve Another Door Opens for your event. There is no fee to rent the facility; but we respectfully ask for a donation in the amount of your choice.
At the Red Door in Waverly, we are now offering meeting space for recovery groups, veterans, and first responders! Four rooms are available on our second floor, with kitchen facilities in one of them. The photo above gives you an idea of what one room looks like. If you would like to reserve this space, please give the Red Door a call!
The Red Door is now offering Game Night every Friday night from 5:30-10. Head on over with your friends, and bring your competitive side! Delicious Finger Lakes Coffee is FREE all night long!
Our popular Open Mic Night, which previously was on Friday evenings, has now been moved to Saturday afternoons from 2-4PM. It’s a great opportunity to kick back, relax, and listen to some great music from talented local artists.
The Red Door no longer has donation bins at its location. We will only take select items at that location, so check inside first, or better yet, give a call before heading over!
Here at the Open Door Mission, we are busily preparing to host our two annual Children’s Christmas parties in Owego and Waverly!
Our party in Waverly will take place on Saturday, December 10th from 10AM- Noon, at the Waverly Village Hall. We partner with the Waverly Police Benevolent Association.
Our Owego party will take place on Friday, December 16th from 2:30-4:30PM at the Outreach area of the Open Door Mission. It will be a drive up event.
We also partner with the Tioga County Toys For Tots organization, which helps us to provide enough gifts for the children we serve. To sign up for free Toys For Tots gifts, please go online to register at owego-ny.toysfortots.org by November 15th. In the comments section, please indicate at what location you plan to pick up your Toys For Tots gifts. If you don’t have access to a computer, contact the Mission at 607-687-1121, or stop on by, and we will sign you up.
The program is for children ages 5-14. If you would like to donate either a gift(s) or monetary donation to help make the party a success, we would appreciate it! All gifts must be wrapped and labeled as to age and gender.
As always, the holiday season is a busy one at the Mission. We are always looking for volunteers to help us in our Owego thrift store, setting out the many donated Christmas items that we have! From lighted Christmas trees, Santas of every description, beautiful linens, ornaments of every kind, artificial greenery, holiday clothing…you name it, we’ve got it! And it’s a race against time to get it all out on the racks and on the shelves. If you are interested, give us a call or stop on by. We’ll cheerfully put you to work!
And if you know someone who is struggling to make ends meet, especially as we approach the holidays, please have them contact our Outreach Department to see how we can assist them.
Enjoy the rest of your 2022!